Monday, June 01, 2009

Am I crazy? I'm quitting my job of 25 years!

Pump plans, kits and book sales are only netting me $100 a week or so, but that is without much in the way of advertising or publicity. I feel that it will grow. I've been faced with the normal problems of a 50 year old mind and body while trying to do the work of, by conservative estimate, 2 1/2 people. Things are falling apart physically faster than I like...mentally there is the constant strain of trying to keep all of the "plates up and spinning" (there used to be entertainers that would spin up a bunch of plates on long thin sticks...the idea was to get as many plates spinning as they could and then keep moving the sticks to keep the plates spinning...eventually they would hit a point of no return and the bulk of the plates would come crashing down- I like the analogy). Three different people commented that I wasn't so much quitting my teaching job but changing my venue- instead of teaching kids to be prepared for the future I was teaching a wider audience skill sets that are needed RIGHT NOW and in the near future. Okay, I'll buy that. I have my letter of resignation written and will print it and hand deliver it today. The Board of Education for our district meets tonight, so I would be a 'good' employee if I acted prudently.

I was faced with a decision matrix that one of my friends commented that, with five distinct choices, I would be crazy to maintain the least appealing one...continuing the status quo.

It will be an interesting adventure!

Plan sets, scrounging kits and pump kits are available. just e-mail me at
for details.


At 1:04 PM, Blogger Industrial Dysfunction said...

Good luck with the new life. Your ahead of a lot is us with a reasonably clear idea where your going.

At 9:30 PM, Blogger Miyanovich said...

Jim, you are doing the right thing. I can't tell you how many of the same issues I am facing. To me, there's no time to wait anymore. People need to shift and becaome more self-reliant NOW.

It doesnt pay well. I dont think it will ever pay well. i dont think it will ever be easy for those of us on the leading edge.

Yet, we must be what we are!

I'm behind you 100% (can I borrow $10?)



At 8:17 AM, Blogger John Maloney said...

Wow. Quitting with no pension and guaranteed health insurance benefits?

Now that is courageous!

Good Luck!


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