Paypal and e-books
I find that I am actually enjoying the blogging experience. I hope it continues to be a pleasant experience. Another customer wrote an e-mail that will affect how I operate the plan and kit business. My reply is included below. Please continue to send me questions and ideas at my personal e-mail (, I really appreciate your interest! -Jim-
PS I'm a real Dave Ramsey-Financial Peace University fan and graduate!
Dear CVBB;
I have a friend that offered to do e-books and take paypal for me, but I am against
credit cards and all they stand for. This leaves me in a philosophical quandry...
do I go for the money, which we need or to I hold to my principles? So far the
principles are winning out. The same with the e-book, I'm not anti-technology, but a delivered-
by-the-post-office-honest-to-god-paper-copy will weather an EMP or hard drive
crash and be useful for years...that is why I'm doing things the way I'm doing them for
Thanks for your order. Have a great day! -Jim-
About the ebook - do both. Release the ebook. It will reach many people that won't have access to the printed volume.
Note it takes a lot of money to publish a book, and a lot of time. That, and for some reason the Post Office seems to be less of a standard for delivery than before the first of the year. For some reason 1st class mail takes 3-12 days EXTRA (Thanks, Oh! Bummer!) to get from Oklahoma to Texas. But that is another story.
I first read Cricton's Andromeda Strain in the newspaper. And then bought the book. Multiple media has been around a long time. My public library has as many books in the "Friends of the Library" section, selling off books removed from the shelves, as they have books on the shelves. Soft copy books may actually outlast, in some cases, hardcopy.
As for the EMP - the best use of the book is before the SHTF - when the ebook will be quite useful. And those worried the most will have hardcopies of the tomes they most expect to benefit from.
I would not look at it as either ebook or hardcover - I would look at them as distinct and separate markets.
And maybe you could use revenue from the ebook to publish the hardcopy version. Which might be 1st edition or second edition.
Others have faced the quandary about credit cards, etc. I do some web design, and have two Amish customers. I don't charge them (Amish) customers online hosting fees, they aren't (in some sense) doing business electronically. One is a catalog site, the other a Bed and Breakfast brochure.
If you are publishing your book to make money, then feel free to decide how you want to do business. If, however, you wish to serve your community (not to be too slanted about how I look at the question! Ha!), then the widest availability should be the over-riding factor. Which means that PayPal, selling a copy or three on eBay, getting Sharon Astyk and Drive My Tractor in Pearls to review and then give away copies - that is what is important. IMHO. YMMV.
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