Friday, January 29, 2010

Woodhenge seminars

We're beginning to set the calendar for our warm(er) day activities. These include my expanding lecture circuit at the energy fairs, sustainable living fairs and natural building colloquiums. In the past we've offered seminars here at Woodhenge. These events last from a day to a long weekend.

We offer some accommodations here on a first-come-first served basis - this is for space in one of our homes or building projects. We also have tent space with access to a composting outhouse, shower house, picnic table and fire ring. The topics will vary depending upon what we deem to be in the greatest demand. Please e-mail me with your requests, but for now the list is started:

1) Building your own Photovoltaic panels. We'll have all of the materials on hand to make the frame, assemble the cells so that you walk off with a panel that makes electricity and the skills to build more for less than half the cost of a conventional one.

2) The basics of renewable energy systems. If you feel a bit confused about all of the options out there for adding a renewable energy system the biggest problem is translating the technobabble given to you by dealers and installers. Solar (both electrical and heat), wind and hydro systems will be clarified to the point that you should be able to make wise choices in your renewable future.

3) Mortgage free housing. Sometimes you get so stuck in a mindset that you need a seminar like this to get out of the rut. I cover everything from finding discounted property to finding homes for nearly free! Why buy materials if you can get them for free? Scrounging for construction supplies is fun and easy. Unconventional and alternative construction techniques such as cordwood, straw bale and moving a home will be discussed.

4) Growing and preserving food for your family. We've been taught that the only place to get food is the supermarket. Taking back your right to grow and save your food is a basic skill that most have isn't difficult to learn, nor is it as time consuming as you might think. While you visit us at Woodhenge you will mostly be eating what we've grown and preserved here.

5) Building your own axial flux wind turbine. We were featured on "Invention Nation" building this unit. It has evolved since then. You will participate in building one. All parts and wind theory will be covered.

6) Scrounging. The techniques discussed in my book: "The High Art and Subtle Science of Scrounging" will be covered. Why buy stuff when you can get it for free or nearly free? Cars, homes, furniture, clothing, entertainment, food are all out there for you if you know how to ask or find them. This promises to be a fun gathering!

Please contact me if you are interested in one of these or name your own seminar at:


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