Sunday, October 19, 2008


Hello and Welcome,

If you are reading this as a result of the article in the
Syracuse Paper and would like to contact Woodhenge please email Jim at

You can see Jim at some of the upcoming events and seminars he will he presenting/teaching at, including:

Southeastern Energy Expo
Pennsylvania Renewable Energy and Sustainable Living Fest
Harrietstown-Saranac lake Energy Fair

North Country Energy Fair

Canton Heating Fair
Sackets Harbor Energy Fair

A course being taught at Jefferson Community College (Wait listed)
Solar Power Electrical Systems

And at Woodhenge itself please feel free to sign up for classes we are
developing such as:
(In the emergency preparedness side of things)
How to store, eat and enjoy a years worth of food.
Scrounging~ How to get the best in life at little or no cost.
Food Preservation.
$20,000 and under
Homesteading 101 (an ongoing series).

This and more is going on at Woodhenge so drop us a line.

Talk to you soon.